Monday, May 25, 2020
Parental Violence and Youth Sports Essay - 2176 Words
Participating in a sport at an early age can be essential to the overall growth process during a child’s upbringing. Whether the participation is through some sort of organized league or just getting together amongst friends and playing, the lessons learned from this can help teach these kids and provide a positive message to them as they develop. There is a certain point, however, when organized sports can hinder progress, which is when adults get too involved and forget about the underlying reason to why they are helping. While adult involvement is necessary, adult involvement can sometimes send the wrong message to children when they try to make participation become more than just about fun and learning. According to Coakley†¦show more content†¦This all changed once legislation was passed requiring equal opportunities for girls (Coakley, p. 125). Coakley (2009) then goes on to identify five major changes that were vital to the growth of organized sports. The first change was because more families had two parents working, which created the need for adult supervision. This contributed to the growth because more parents felt it was beneficial to enroll their children in some sort of sport or activity. The next change he identifies is the idea of the â€Å"good parent†, which means that they know where their children are at all moments. By allowing them to engage in organized activity, they knew their children’s whereabouts. The third change is the belief that child-organized activities lead to trouble. Keeping them out of trouble by placing them in sport was the best way to control this. The fourth change Coakley stated was that organized sports were essential to protecting children from the outside world. They believed that the world outside the home was a dangerous place for their children because of all the negative events shown in the media, and the only way to combat this was to place them in sport. Lastly, the final change he identified is the visibility of professional sports in society. Children were able to replicate the actions of these athletes through sport and it gave them incentive toShow MoreRelatedHow to Handle Violence in Youth Sports1498 Words  | 6 Pagesenjoy themselves. Sideline rage with parents behaving badly at youth sports events is such an epidemic, that 76% of respondents from 60 high school athletic associations said increased spectator interference is causing many officials to quit (Associated Press, 6/3/01). Parents are supposed to be role models, and the lessons they teach will determine their values and actions in the future. These days violence in childrens sports is not limited to the playing field; overbearing parents are creatingRead MoreParent Violence in Sports935 Words  | 4 PagesCauses of Parent Violence in Athletics In towns across the nation youth sports is being changed by one thing, violent parents. Society today is experiencing a new phenomena in which parents of children participating in organized sport lash out at other parents, coaches and even players in youth age groups. This all can be traced to three factors; the emotional attachment of parents to their child, the financial investment throughout sports, and simply the lack of knowledge a parent has for theRead More Parental Pressure on Children Playing Organized Sports Essay1015 Words  | 5 Pagesmuch pressure on children who participate in organized sports because of the unnecessary parental involvement they experience. A growing concern amongst those involved in youth sports is that certain aspects of parental involvement become detrimental to the development and experiences of young athletes. Early emphasis on winning, making money, and the disruption of education can exceedingly affect ones desire to further participate in a sport later on in his/her life. With more and more childrenRead MoreEssay on Adolescent Violence1591 Words  | 7 Pages Abstract There is no doubt that violence, especially among youth, is a problem in the U.S. today. Since 1993, the U.S. has had the highest rate of childhood homicide, suicide, and firearms related deaths of any of the worlds 26 wealthiest nations (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1993), stated the authors of the article. Due to results as stated above by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the questions what factors cause violent fighting as well as weapon carryingRead MoreThe Role Of Parental Role Models On Youth Athletic Participation1842 Words  | 8 PagesThis paper examines the prevalence of aggression in youth sports the impact of parental role models on youth athletic participation, which can often lead to early burnouts in sports; and whether sports draw out the children’s aggressive nature. In America alone there are 30-35 million children of the ages 5-18 participating in organized youth sports in America. (Fiore, 2003) Sports may give youth positiv e experiences, but may also cause stress, which may result in unneeded amounts of stress. YoungRead MoreVideo games and juvenile delinquency700 Words  | 3 Pagescharacterized by carelessness, unnecessary roughness and wild nature. Delinquents are in every state worldwide. Juvenile delinquency has been attributed to lack of parental control, poverty and mostly video games. Violent video game playing has been correlated with aggression and this in turn contributes to violent nature of the youth. Juvenile delinquency has become a serious worldwide phenomenon in the past few years. The criminal activities attributed to this are on the rise. BasedRead More Youth Athletics Essay1423 Words  | 6 PagesYouth Athletics In Reading, Massachusetts, one parent was beaten to death by another parent after a scuffle at a youth hockey game (Sachs). In Palin Beach, Florida, a father of a little league player was sentenced to three years in prison after taking a gun and pointing it at a coach (Gehring). In Port St. Lucie, Florida, a headline in the evening paper read, Spectator Bites off Mans Ear at Youth Baseball Game (Pallerino). Why would parents act in such negative ways? They are too competitiveRead MoreThe Role Of Parents Sport Socialization Of Youth1310 Words  | 6 PagesResearch Paper: The Role of Parents in Sport Socialization of Youth Lucas Eckert PSE4UO Introduction Socialization is the process in which an individual becomes a member of society. Parents are the most significant agent in the socialization of their children. They have a tremendous influence on the type of people their children grow up to be. They pass on their beliefs and values to their children and influence their child’s personality and morals. In sports, there is also a process of socializationRead MoreKids Are A Victim Of Bullying1004 Words  | 5 Pages18. Typically, between ages 12 and 14, kids become very aware of their own sexuality and others’ sexuality. Some are nervous about developing too fast. Others are worried about developing too slowly. If your child is not athletic, help her find a sport or physical activity she enjoys. At this age, kids who don’t excel athletically are tempted to avoid all physical activity. Consider martial arts such as kung fu, judo, karate, or tae kwon do, which often appeal to this age group. Moodiness and roller-co asterRead MorePoor Parental Supervision And Child Discipline Practices975 Words  | 4 Pagespreventable. There’s an old saying that states â€Å"it all starts at home†and these three; Poor parental supervision and child discipline practices, Criminal parents and siblings, and Low income and residing in urban areas examples are just a few ways that we possibly could correct and prevent your child from being a juvenile delinquent. POOR PARENTAL SUPERVISION AND CHILD DISCIPLINE PRACTICES Poor parental supervision and child discipline practices can play a large part in how your child develops
The Food And Drug Administration Essay - 848 Words
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through regulating pharmaceutical drugs, biologics and medical device in context to granting approvals for marketing authorization, surveillance of the clinical trial study of the drug, post-marketing surveillance of the medical product, etc. The Pharmaceutical companies seek for FDA approval for a new drug to be marketed through a long process. This process starts with applying an application known as an investigational new drug application (IND) to start clinical trials to enroll a group of patients believed to benefit from the investigational product, and to approve that drug is safe effective. On the other hand, there are many patients unable to enroll in a trial because of exclusion criteria or because the study is for a different indication.However, when patient unable to enroll in a clinical, patients may be able to receive the product, when appropriate, through the Expanded access. ïÆ'ËœLegal arguments and implications:- (i) On 2009, the FDA promulgated a program called the â€Å"Expanded access†orâ€Å"Compassionate use†( 21 CFR 312.1) which allows the patients to have an access to a Investigational Medicinal product which is subjected to Investigational New Drug (IND) application (according to an IND 21 CFR 312.8). The FDA in 2009 revised the regulation of â€Å"Expanded access†because there was no clear regulation related to different types of patients, and the access toShow MoreRelatedThe Food And Drug Administration1204 Words  | 5 PagesThe Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is best known for its role on protecting the health of the public by making sure that food, medications are safe and effective. Especially when it comes to the pharmaceutical industry, its mission is to regulate pharmaceutical manufacturers, as well as the drug approval process. However, in the recent years, many arguments and controversy regarding drug development and regulation have risen. Dr ug advertisements make false and misleading claims, products areRead MoreThe Food And Drug Administration1017 Words  | 5 Pagescosmetic products on the market all over the world than ever before. There has also been an emphasis on beauty and how one presents themselves to others. The combination of these factors lead to an increase in demand for cosmetics. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has little to no control over the regulation over the safety of the ingredients included in personal care products on the market. Problems arise because there are known and identified toxic chemicals in many cosmetics, but not muchRead MoreThe Food And Drug Administration898 Words  | 4 Pagespolicy, foods, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and their byproducts, derived from plant varieties developed by the new methods of genetic modification are regulated within the existing framework of the act†(FDA). In other words, instead of creating new regulations that are specific to these completely unique food products, they are put within the umbrella of other â€Å"natural†products. As time passes it appears to be harder to establish strict regulations to manage genetically modified food. AccordingRead MoreThe Food And Drug Administration1740 Words  | 7 Pagesto decline and present a risk to future food security. As a world, we are facing an adaptation deficit leaving us very vulnerable and thus, we must seek to find alternative resources to adapt and mitigate the risk to agriculture. One solution might be attributed to genetically modified foods, which are found in 80% of processed foods today, much to the unawareness of public consumers. In America, the Food and Drug Administration has the authority over food labeling and it has concluded that thereRead MoreThe Food And Drug Administration1903 Words  | 8 Pages2016. On December 1, 2014, the US Food and Drug Administration released a Final Rule clarifying the requirements, which include easy-to-see calorie counts for all â€Å"standard menu items,†as well as the inclusion of statements communicating the average daily intake of 2,000 calories and informing consumers that more detailed nutritional information can be obtained by request (Goldman, 2015). The goal of this rule is â€Å"to make nutrition information for certain foods available to consumers in a directRead MoreThe Food And Drug Administration2463 Words  | 10 PagesConsumers thus should be concerned what they put in their bodies. The Food and Drug Administration is regulating food, but people are sicker now than they ever have been. Not only them, but the big pharmaceutical companies also play a role in this giving drugs to people to help their problems but end up with a host of other problems from their fix. With this project I hope to show how incompetent the Food and Drug Administration is by unveiling what synthetic vitamins really are, the chemicals usedRead MoreThe Food And Drug Administration843 Words  | 4 PagesThe Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved naltrexone in 1994 to assist in the treatment of alcohol dependence (Mark et. al, 2003). According to multiple studies of various sizes the medication has been proven to be highly beneficial in assisting with alcohol withdrawal and relapse (Leavitt, 2002; Rohsenow, 2004; Williams, 2005). With the approval of the FDA and the backing of many studies, why is this wonder drug not being more widely used? The following will address how naltrexone worksRead MoreThe Food And Drug Administration1142 Words  | 5 PagesAndy Nunez English 1101 Amy Sandefur 9 September 2014 Dear Michael Taylor, As senior advisor of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), I understand that you must have thousand of proposals being addressed to you everyday. I also understand that the FDA is responsible for tests that use dogs, primates and other species as test subjects to meet legal safety requirements. ( At the same time, I, and millions of other people believe that the laws on animal experimentation need to be reviewedRead MoreThe Food And Drug Administration1430 Words  | 6 Pagesto the sugary taste of many foods and go by many names – saccharin, aspartame, and sucralose  ¬Ã¢â‚¬â€œ but they are all formulated by chemical engineers. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) describes artificial sweeteners as â€Å"probably safe,†and this statement has proven to be quite true (Nestle). For several years, aspartame and saccharin have been linked to weight gain and cancer in consumers and lab animals (Nestle). Because artificial sweeteners are used in many food pro ducts (most commonly dietRead MoreThe Food And Drug Administration1298 Words  | 6 PagesIn 2000, the US Food and Drug Administration issued a health claim which states that consuming foods containing plant sterol and stanol esters along with other low cholesterol and saturated fat foods can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease (Jones, Vanstone, Raeini-Sarjaz, St-Onge, 2003). Today, many functional foods in the form of margarines, spread, yogurt, and others, have been enriched with phytosterols and advocated as being able to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Phytosterols
The Is The Right One For Me - 1832 Words
Beating BPD In beginning this project, I struggled with choosing a diagnosis that would be the right one for me to attempt to understand. Mental illness is a topic that has plagued my family for generations. It has been a common theme in every relationship I have ever had. Although initially I assumed this circumstance would make it immensely easy to choose a topic for this paper, as it turned out it was the opposite. I first considered Oppositional Defiant Disorder, as I thought surely this is the right topic so that I may take my findings to the father of my children to show him that he is desperately in need of accepting the help I feel he needs. Then I thought, I will choose Factitious Disorder and focus on Munchausen by Proxy as†¦show more content†¦Beginning with an inability to function, an impairment in personality must be present in either identity or self-direction. A person exhibiting an impairment in identity might criticize himself excessively, have deep an d troubling experiences of emptiness or possibly even experience dissociative states under extreme stress. A person experiencing an impairment with self-direction would exhibit signs of inability to follow through or possibly even set goals, and have no drive in regards to career plans. The Diagnostic criteria for this disorder demand that 5 of 9 criteria are met. Often a person with this disorder will exhibit signs of suicidal tendencies or self-mutilation. Other symptoms may include, but are not limited to reacting in advance to a possibility of abandonment. The mere thought of losing a relationship or a person who is viewed in some way as a caretaker is enough to cause significant changes in their self-image and therefore their behavior. These people are extremely sensitive to changes in their environment, and it does not matter if those changes are announced in advance or sprung by surprise. Extreme irritability and anxiety can cause instability as well. Often issues contr olling anger and temper tantrums become extremely problematic in keeping stability in home and work environments. Most of the time this issue escalates to inappropriate proportions, causing loss of jobs, dissolution of marriages or long term
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Prescription Drug Abuse. Did You Know That Prescription
Prescription Drug Abuse Did you know that prescription drug abuse is one of the leading causes of death in the United States? â€Å"According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, two-hundred and ninety people in the United States are killed by prescription drugs every day. (White)†That number is growing every year due to the lack of knowledge of prescription drugs and the potential harm they can cause. Many people are under the misconception that prescription drugs are safe because they are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and they are prescribed by a doctor. Therefore, the drugs must be safe and could not possibly cause harm or be addicting. However, â€Å"the nonmedical use of prescription drugs is the fastest†¦show more content†¦Did you know that giving medication to someone that was not prescribed that medication is illegal? It is also, illegal for someone to possess someone else’s prescribed narcotic medication. If caught with a narcotic medication that has not been prescribed to you, it is punishable by the courts and the person who possess the medication could be charged with a felony. It is important to refrain from sharing any medication that is prescribed to a certain individual. A prescription medication is prescribed to a person based on the needs of that individual. All medications can have different effects on each person and certain people can have bad reactions to different medications and they can contradict with other medications that person may be taking. That is why it is crucial that people only take medications that are prescribed to them where they can be regulated by a doctor. The most abused narcotic prescription medications are stimulants such as Adderall, Ritalin, and amphetamines, painkillers such as oxycontin, oxycodone, or hydrocodone, and tranquilizers such as Xanax or Vallum. Many times medications are mixed. One of the well-known mixes of prescription medicati ons is called the â€Å"Holy Trinity†which involves taking a narcotic pain reliever, an anti-anxiety drug, and a muscle relaxant together. Mixing these medications together puts a person inShow MoreRelatedTeen Prescription Drug Abuse Among Teens1462 Words  | 6 PagesTeen Prescription Drug Abuse Doesn’t matter what age, drugs are going to be used and abuse. From the time we are born, till the day we die, prescription drugs are prescribed for doctor approved use. Most prescription drugs are given to help control a disease, an imbalance, sickness, etc. With teenage drug abuse on the rise in most US high schools, it has become a problem parents are facing amongst their children. Being a parent to a teenager who has meddled with prescription drugs has been an unbelievableRead MoreEvery Day, Millions Of Americans Take Some Form Of Prescription1670 Words  | 7 PagesEvery day, millions of Americans take some form of prescription drug to treat anything from an anxiety disorder to severe physical pain. They are not getting these drugs off of the streets, from a dark alley, or from a drug dealer; they are getting them from people that are supposed to help you feel better: doctors. â€Å"Roughly one in five Americans are prescribed an opiate every year, for treatment of an acute injury, for example, or dental work or for chronic pain.†(McCarthy) Obviously, some of theRead MoreKyle Craig and his Abuse on Adderall1698 Words  | 7 PagesWhat no one knew is that Kyle illegally looked to Adderall to keep up his â€Å"I’ve got it all together†act. Adderall is a stimulant prescription drug for those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD (FDA). Kyle took Adderall illegally and abused it much too often just to perform better academically and socially. While abusing the drug, Kyle slowly began spiraling into a dangerous state of psychosis that no one seemed to catch on to. That dangerous spiral led KyleRead MorePrescription Drug Abuse Is Increasing At A High Rate? Essay963 Words  | 4 PagesWhy is it that prescription drug abuse is increasing at a high rate? The answer to this question can be somewhat complex. There are multiple reasons as to why this is happening, but the reasons all come toget her and create a laddering effect. Prescription drug abuse is currently at an all-time high because prescription drugs are so easy for a person to obtain. The chain reaction starts at the doctor over-prescribing medications then continues to consumers becoming what I would call drug dealers andRead MorePharmacy : Life, Death, And Responsibility1583 Words  | 7 Pagespaper, I knew very little of the real challenges pharmacists face day to day. I knew that pharmacists sometimes run into problems with drug addicts, religious conflicts of interest, and communicating with doctors. With the information I knew, I eagerly typed a few key words into Google and waited patiently to see what would result. After a few quick clicks, I got to know a little more about my topic. I broke what I knew into three distinct categories. My goal for this I-Search was to learn how pharmacistsRead MoreEssay on Substance Abuse Disorder1303 Words  | 6 PagesSubstance abuse disorders are common in our s ociety. It is a disorder that each one of us will most likely experience through a family member, friend, or our self. I felt very drawn to this topic due to the fact that I have a family that has background of substance abuse and I myself have battle the demon. Not until I struggled with my own addiction did I become more tolerable and understanding to those that have a substance abuse disorder. Substance abuse is not something anyone wants to have; itRead MoreDrug Epidemic In America Essay828 Words  | 4 PagesThe drug epidemic in America is a growing problem and continuing to take hundreds of lives everyday, particularly opioids. These highly addictive drugs are taking the world by storm and claiming thousands of life with no remorse. The pharmaceutical industry is making millions off the addiction and pain of the American people causing a widespread of drug overdoses and deaths all across the United States. According to The New York Times, â€Å"Public Health officials have called the current opioid epidemicRead MorePrescription Drugs : The Side Effects Of Prescription Drugs1022 Words  | 5 PagesEveryday people abuse prescription drugs, in 2015 approximately 136 people died from overdoses every day. The issue that arises with these drugs is that they are very easy to take and the side effects are relaxingly numbing. These drugs are also steadily available to everyone if they have a prescription or they know someone with one. I’ve personally seen too many people get addicted to these drugs and abuse them to the point of death. One of my buddies, Grant, was addicted to pills when he was inRead MoreHow Drugs Can Affect Person s Mental State843 Words  | 4 Pagesbody Drugs are substances that change a person s physical or mental state. The vast majority of drugs are used to treat medical conditions, both physical and mental. Some, however, are used outside the medical setting for their effects on the mind.’’ These are referre d to as recreational drugs, and many of them are illegal in all fifty states’’(Quain). There are several different kinds of drugs. When a doctor prescribe you a medication and you use it as followed it is still considered a drug becauseRead MoreMDMA Research Paper962 Words  | 4 Pagesneuroscientific and clinical studies examining the potential role for adjunctive drug-assisted psychotherapy using 3,4,-methylenedioxmethamphetamine (MDMA) as a treatment for PTSD†(Sessa 176). Recent research has shown that the use of MDMA can help people who suffer from PTSD. MDMA is a schedule one drug which means that it is illegal currently; however, that may change very soon. Marijuana is also still considered a schedule one drug in the U.S. even though in some states it is legal for medical and recreational
Teams Are An Integral Part Of Most Business Situations
In all employment situations, there will be circumstances where an employee will find themselves on a team with a specific problem to solve or goal to reach. Teams are an integral part of most business situations. Leadership within the respective organization often creates teams. The way that the leadership interacts with the teams can affect how cohesive the team is and if they reach their goals. These two groups can cause a business to succeed or fail. Teams Utilizing teamwork has been a key to the success of our military for many years. The most effective of these is the cross-functional team. This is a team comprised of, â€Å"employees from about the same hierarchical level, but from different work areas, who come together to accomplish a task.†(Robbins Judge, 2009) One of these teams I was a part of was involved in ensuring a large multi-agency training event occurred without any problems. This event involved the Active Army, Army Reserves, Army National Guard, Active Air Force, Air Force National Guard, Marine Corps, local fire departments, local law enforcement agencies, and the Departments of Emergency Management from multiple states. It had national military and civilian leaders that came to watch the outcome. This extremely high stress situation was accomplished through teamwork and planning. The event was checking the response of the agencies to a natural disaster situation. The meetings that we had were to ens ure that everything was provided forShow MoreRelatedThe Attribution Theory And Development Of Competence And Realization Of Potential Essay1517 Words  | 7 Pagescompetence and realization of potential). The overall idea of this theory is very similar to Maslow’s but in a more rational sense. 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A primary care practice owned and staffed by an independent FNP is rare in the community in which the practice exists and starting the practice was innovative, experimental, and a business risk. The leader had to envision the future of the practice and share the vision with others to form a group of stakeholders who believed that the practice was valuable and would be successful. The LPN and FNP had worked together previous to theRead MoreCompetitive Global Market: THe Case of Novartis Pharmaceutical Corporation1084 Word s  | 5 Pagesexperiences bring value in many ways, by helping us address the needs of patients and customers, enhancing immeasurably our work environment, and enabling all associates to contribute fully, maximize their potential, and ultimately succeed in meeting our business priorities†. Unfortunately EchoStar does not share the point of view of the DiversityInc Top 50 List winner, paying little attention to the issue of diversity. Measuring Impact According to the HR department, EchoStar has not been conducting any
Employee Retention Rates And The Quality Of Work - 910 Words
The American population spends a large percentage of time at their place of business. The culture of the work environment plays a major role in an employee’s happiness, in addition company culture affects employee retention rates and the quality of work the organization produces. Issues such as conflict resolution is a major facet in employee satisfaction It is very important to try and ensure that the time employees are spending at work is both fruitful for the organization, as well as conducive to the staffs mental health. Disgruntled employees can impact an organization in a small way by not completing tasks accurately or in a timely fashion. They can also make a large impact by spreading negative information about the organization or even as far as a violent workplace outburst. Employees need to have somewhere to turn when they are at odds with the organization or specific individuals within the organization. It used to be an odd happening when employees turned to violence to settle their unhappiness at work. That is no longer the case. The term â€Å"going postal†was coined after the string of postal office shootings in the 1980s. Though, violent outbursts by employees that end in death or injury are the extreme end result, if employee unhappiness can be headed off before it gets to that point, then that is something that needs to be done. Many employees are not comfortable going through the chain of command at their organization to get results for conflict in theShow MoreRelatedEmployee Turnover Can Occur For Numerous Reasons Essay1691 Words  | 7 PagesEmployee turnover can occur for numerous reasons. Employers need to listen to employees’ needs and implement retention strategies to make employees feel valued and involved in order to keep them. The cost of retention is far less more brutal than the cost of employee turnover. Employee turnover has many aspects that will contribute to becoming a lot more money that a company is losing. By recognizing the reason for employee turnover, the cost associated and implementing retention strategies anRead MoreEssay about Reducing Turnover in The Restaurant Business1622 Words  | 7 Pages The Bubba Gump Shrimp Company, a national chain of franchised seafood restaurants, prides itself on great customer service and affordable high-quality food, and knows that to meet their goals, they need a culture that attracts and retains the best employees (Bubba Gump Shrimp Company, 2011). In an industry notorious for high employee turnover and low job satisfaction (Prewitt, 2000), the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company reduced â€Å"management turnover from 36% to 16% in 2 years†(Aamodt, 2010, p. 397). 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In certain organization in the state level such as: keep qualified candidate that promoted the well-being state and the citizens in arena such as correctional and police officer, hospital staffRead MoreAnalysis Of The Lincoln Electric Company1164 Words  | 5 Pages(J, Lincoln) James valued customer satisfaction above all else, which inevitably led to the innovation and production of a great product that met the consumer’s needs. His views on employee retention continue to be a guide within the company. If fulfilling customer needs is the desired goal of the company then employee performance and productivity are the means by which this goal can best be achieved. Labor and management are properly not warring camps; they are parts of one organization in whichRead MoreA Company s Total Rewards Program1227 Words  | 5 Pagesprofessionals should work with organizations to create a holistic and integrated total rewards program. As business objectives and priorities evolve HR professionals should work to make sure the company rewards program stays relevant and attractive. Creating and successfully executing the company total rewards package requires HR staff who are knowledgeable of market rates and trends. There are many ways to measure the perceived success of a company’s rewards program; I believe attrition rates and performanceRead MoreMentoring Systems For New Hires1293 Words  | 6 Pagesincreased power and position, and work related accesses (O’Neill, 2005). Bonzionelos et al. (2011) has shown a correlation between socio-emotional supports, positive career success and positive work related attitudes and engagement for bo th mentors and protà ©gà ©s. Research provides a framework of support for organizational benefits including enhanced organizational learning, competitive advantages, motivated employees, increased performance, and employee retention (O’Neill, 2005). Mentoring systemsRead MoreMiddlefield Hospital Essay1211 Words  | 5 PagesHospital has a reputation for quality care in the area. Problem: The Hospital’s turnover rate exceeds 20% and there are over 100 nursing vacancies. Factors that may contribute to the turnover is that a new hospital has recently opened in our market area that has produced competition for Middlefield, employee morale has deteriorated over the past 12 months, and Essex University is considering eliminating its nursing degree program because of the difficulty recruiting quality instructors. Strategy: Read MoreImproving Organization Retention Paper1446 Words  | 6 Pagesorganization retention In the past few years the state of Pennsylvania has made an effort to boot their economy by allowing gambling. One of the casinos that have made an impact is JC’s Casino and Resort. This establishment is state of the art in all aspects. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Culture Heritage Assessment - 1837 Words
Culture, Heritage amp; Health Culture amp; Cultural Competency in Health Promotion Culture, Heritage amp; Health This paper will discuss culture and the cultural characteristics that can be associated with various groups and the affect it can have on one’s health in aspects of health protection, maintenance and restoration. It will also discuss the usefulness of a heritage assessment tool in providing better care for patients. The differences will be viewed based on culture in health protection, maintenance and restoration. A heritage assessment tool is a means to capture a snapshot view of one’s culture/heritage. Culture is defined as â€Å"an element of ethnicity, consists of shared patterns of values and behaviors that†¦show more content†¦Sadly, I don’t think this is in homage to my ancestors so much as my father’s military career which had us stationed in the Netherlands for four years. In doing research on European Americans for this paper, I find that I am not unique in my lack of culture. â€Å"European-Americans have never experienced a truly cohesive experience. Instead of one culture and people . . . Caucasian America is simply a loosely associated series of subcultures and non-cultures.†(Stratis Health Culture Care Connection, 2013). Western medicine is favored by this group of people, though there is a surge in the interest of incorporating other beliefs in as well through acupuncture, herbs, massage therapy, etc. Typically our diets consist of the all American diet, one that is high in red meat, salty foods, processed foods, sugary desserts, and often alcohol. European Americans believe in regular screenings for high blood pressure, yearly exams, preventative healthcare in the means of vaccinations amp; flu shots. The leading causes of death among this culture are heart disease, cancer, obesity, hypertension, diabetes and stroke among some of the top causes. What these diseases have in common is that you can decrease the probability of death, or even absence from the disease, with good healthcare prevention in changing diet, increasing activity and avoiding high risk behavior (such as smoking). (Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Show MoreRelatedHeritage Assessment Tool: Evaluation of Different Cultures and Individual Views of Health1326 Words  | 6 PagesRunning head: HERITAGE ASSESSMENT TOOL: EVALUATION OF DIFFERENT Heritage Assessment Tool: Evaluation of Different Cultures and Individual Views of Health Micaela Simon Grand Canyon University Family-Centered Health Promotion 429V Melanie Escobar RN MSN August 31, 2012 Heritage Assessment Tool: Evaluation of different Cultures and Individual Views of Health The Heritage Assessment Tool can be used as as a reliable tool to assess, health maintenance, protection and restoration of individualRead MoreHeritage Assessment Essay1391 Words  | 6 PagesHome Page  » Other Topics Heritage Assessment In: Other Topics Heritage Assessment Heritage Assessment Latasha Rice, WCC- RN Grand Canyon University: NRS 429v Date: 8/31/2012 What is a heritage assessment? A heritage assessment is a subpart to the overall nursing assessment. Assessing a patient’s heritage allows the nurse to obtain more information about a patient’s culture, including beliefs about health and valuesRead MoreHeritage Assessment1366 Words  | 6 PagesAs a measurement tool, heritage assessment helps a person appreciate further his cultural background, find strengths in his personality (based from his specific cultural background), and work on weaknesses that he has. Unlike other assessment tools, this is a quantitative-based approach aimed at threshing out a person’s family, religious and ethnic background that Influences the healthcare delivered to that person or to their culture The greater the number of the positive responses shows the person’sRead MoreHeritage Assessment1510 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿ Heritage Assessment: Comparing Cultural Health Traditions Monica V. Poehner Grand Canyon University: Family Centered Health Promotion November 16, 2013 Heritage Assessment: Comparing Cultural Health Traditions Culture and heritage are the properties that make up a way of life for a specific population. As referenced by South African History Online (n.d.), â€Å"Culture should be regarded as the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of societyRead MoreUnderstanding And Applying The Heritage Assessment Tool1441 Words  | 6 PagesUnderstanding and Applying the Heritage Assessment tool The Heritage Assessment Tool (HAT) is a set of questions used to examine an individual’s ethnic, cultural and religious heritage. HAT can be used to understand an individual’s health traditions. The answers to the questionnaire can be used to evaluate how an individual views of health maintenance, health protection and health restoration. The author will review three different individuals culture heritage using the HAT. The cultures that are being comparedRead MoreBenchmark Assessment Heritage1211 Words  | 5 PagesHeritage Assessment Kyler G. Merrill Grand Canyon University: NRS-429V 01/18/2015 Heritage Assessment Tool Today in society there are many diverse culture and ethnic backgrounds, each with their own habits, traditions, preferences, and of these includes health. Different needs of the whole person should be evaluated in detail. This paper will discuss results from three different cultures through the interviewing of them using the Heritage Assessment Tool. It will also reviewRead MoreEssay on Personal Heritage Assessment1520 Words  | 7 PagesPERSONAL HERITAGE ASSESSMENT AND ITS USEFULNESS Personal heritage assessment and its usefulness April 15, 2012 Personal heritage assessment and its usefulness INTRODUCTION: In this paper, the writer will focus on the usefulness of applying a heritage assessment in evaluating the needs of person as a whole, three different family’s opinions on health maintenance, health protection and health restoration. Also this paper will identify health traditions as regards to cultural heritage of theRead MoreHeritage Assessment968 Words  | 4 PagesHeritage Assessment Angel S. Winnie Grand Canyon University: NRS429V May 17, 2013 Heritage Assessment The heritage assessment tool is a checklist used by professionals to gain knowledge of patient’s culture and beliefs prior to initiating care. (Spector, 2000). There are many different cultures in this country, brining different beliefs in health, illness, recovery, death, and life. The heritage assessment tool is an important measure towards better understanding of cultural competency,Read MoreInvestment Decisions. Answer: -1524 Words  | 7 PagesPersonal Heritage Assessment Question: What are the Personal heritage assessment and its usefulness? In this paper, the writer will focus on the usefulness of applying a heritage assessment in evaluating the needs of person as a whole, three different family’s opinions on health maintenance, health protection and health restoration. Also this paper will identify health traditions as regards to cultural heritage of the writer, then how the three families interviewed in this paper follow theirRead MoreHeritage Assessment Essay1346 Words  | 6 PagesHeritage Assessment Cheri Montoro Grand Canyon University NRS-429V Linda Gobin August 06, 2013 Heritage Assessment This paper will assess and discuss the usefulness of applying the Heritage Assessment tool to evaluate three different families each one from different cultural backgrounds consisting of Greek, Italian, and Hispanic ethnicities. This paper will also compare similarities and differences related to health maintenance, health protection and health restoration and the cultural
The Effects Of Alcohol On A Pilot - 2322 Words
CONTENTS Introduction to Pilots’ Health and Flying Safely 1 The Effects of Alcohol on a Pilot 2 Sleep Deprivation, Fatigue and Performance Degradation 4 Dangers of Self-Medication 6 Flying with a Common Cold 9 Conclusions regarding Flying with these Health Issues 12 Bibliography 13 HEALTH AND FLYING Introduction to Pilots’ Health and Flying Safely This report explains issues regarding pilots’ health, their effects on flying safely, and measures to avoid catastrophes and jeopardising the life of the pilot, their crew and the passengers. Flying and health go together and a pilot needs to be fully fit to fly. Hence, before undertaking any form training to become a commercial pilot, one has to†¦show more content†¦The Effects of Alcohol on a Pilot People drink to unwind and relax, and alcohol alters the mood by reducing inhibitions. All drinkers have experienced alcohol’s short-term health effects, a hangover or poor sleep, but alcohol has long-term effects, often discovered when it’s too late. A pilot who has had a drink shouldn’t fly under the influence of alcohol; everyone knows that alcohol and flying shouldn’t mix. A small quantity of alcohol in the blood can impair performance drastically, while relieving anxiety, so that person thinks he/she is performing brilliantly. Alcohol produces adverse effects relating to the brain, eyes, and inner ear, which are all mission-critical organs for pilots. Effects to the brain include impaired reaction time, judgement, reasoning, and memory; vital senses for a pilot to perform safely and to the best of his ability. Alcohol reduces the brain’s ability to make use of oxygen, magnifying these effects with simultaneous exposure to altitude, which has a decreased partial pressure of oxygen. Visual symptoms include eye muscle imbalance, which leads to difficulty focusing and double vision; dangerous for pilots carrying hundreds of passengers, or alone in a light aircraft. Alcohol affects the inner ear, sometimes resulting in dizziness and increased hearing perception - dangerous for a pilot in a plane. Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) 91.17 states that no
Evaluation Of Classification Methods For The Prediction Of...
Evaluation of Classification Methods for the Prediction of Hospital Length of Stay using Medicare Claims data. Length of stay in hospital determines the quality of care and safety of patients. It depends on various factors and varies among medical cases with different conditions and complications. Length of stay depends on factors such as age, sex, co-morbidities, time between surgery and mobilization, severity of illness, etc [1]. It can be assumed that reduced length of stay hospital is associated with better health results and good quality of care. Length of stay in hospital also depends upon the quick response to the emergency medical case. The earlier the response the less is the length of stay and less likelihood of death†¦show more content†¦Unsupervised learning in data mining helps in clustering the data by determining their similarity, helping patterns to emerge. The supervised learning is used to classify new unknown data [4-7]. For the above scenarios, SPSS software [8] was for statistical analysis and WEKA 3.7 for classification software [9]. The data that was used for analysis is a 2012 Medicare Provider Analysis and Review (MEDPAR) file. The first scenario assumes that the patient has just been admitted and the information known about the patient is as follows: 1Patient demographics 2Information about their hospital 3Admission information The following assumptions are made for the second scenario: 1The patient has already been hospitalized for a few days. 2Diagnosis is already known. 3Procedures and other related hospital information. Let’s consider the first LOS cut-off point is 4 days and the second LOS cut off point is 12 days. Here we predict the LOS, if it is equal to 4days then it is approximately about 50% percentile of the LOS distribution and LOS equal to 12 days is approximately 90% percentile of the LOS distribution. In this experiment the performance of three classifiers are compared. The three classifiers used are Naà ¯ve Bayes, AdaBoost and C4.5 decision tree. The first classifier used is Naà ¯ve Bayes it is a probabilistic classifier based on Bayes theorem. The second classifier used is the Adaboost
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Organizational Behavior for Journal of Managerial Psychology
Question: Discuss about theOrganizational Behavior for Journal of Managerial Psychology. Answer: Introduction Organizational behavior is the study of the behavior of individuals in an organizational setting. Effective organizational behavior management is imperative for the success and growth of any business (Griffin Moorhead, 2011). An individuals behavior in these organizational settings is largely impacted by various factors including workplace environment, timings, nature of work and organizational policies. Organizational behavior includes the study of organizational employees culture, religion, social values, ethics and economic backgrounds. This report throws light upon organizational behavior theories, practices and their significance in the organization. The report also reflects upon various steps that must be taken to improve workforce diversity as well as recent changes that the organizational behavior practices are witnessing. Essay topic It is better to rely on stereotypes than to enter into a relationship with someone from another culture without any idea of what they believe in. The increasing workplace diversity is a result of globalization (Hamilton, 2015). People from different parts of the globe come together and work towards similar goals. This results in building various long term relationships that largely impact organizations as well as individuals associated with the organization. People coming from different religions, geographies and social or economic backgrounds have a number of stereotypes associated with them. Stereotypes can be based on religion, age, caste or geography (Bertolino, 2013) These stereotypes may or may not relate with everyone but it is important to note that there is a reason why these stereotypes exist. While collaborating with different people it is often wiser to be aware of the stereotypes that are associated with the people as this helps the organizations in preparing for the future. For example, Employees from France are associated with being unpunctual. Therefore, when hiring a French employee, the manager can ensure to keep a certain amount of margin while giving them work deadlines. If the employee, sticks to the deadline and completes the work on time, the there is no drawback. However, if the employee is late as depicted by the stereotype, then too the organization has enough time as margin for the required work. Organizational behaviour theories There are various theories that are associated with organizational behaviour. The theory in discussion for this report is that of identical employer-employee behaviour. This theory suggests that the organization must impose similar policies, goals, behavioral guidelines and ethical codes for the employer as well as all the employees. Implication of this theory motivates employees to work hard and builds an environment of decorum within the organization. This is specifically useful when the organization is diverse and has people from different backgrounds working together. As per the essay question above, this theory suggests that all the employees must be treated equally rather than creating a bias on account of the stereotypes associated with them. One key factors that affect employee growth in any business is Motivation (Stein Cropanzano, 2011). There are various motivational theories that must be employed in the organization in order to motivate employees to work hard. Maslows ne ed hierarchy theory creates a five levels of needs for every individual. Once the physical and social needs of employees are fulfilled, organizations must focus upon fulfilling esteem needs of employees in order to keep them motivated (Anderson, 2014). In a diverse environment, every individual would have a different source of esteem. For example, according to the stereotypes, an American employees esteem need are fulfilled by giving them additional power, a Chinese employees esteem needs are fulfilled by giving them additional responsibilities on the other hand, an Indian or African employees esteem needs are fulfilled by offering them additional pay. Therefore, these stereotypes help organizations in understanding employee needs. It is important to note that stereotypes play a role only in the beginning of any relationship. Once the communication between the two parties develops, stereotypes are broken and decisions are made based upon experiences. Organizational problems form a part of every leading organization that exists today. As organizations are getting more and more diversified, organization is beginning to face unique challenges that need to be addressed. These problems are faced at managerial level, employee level as well as organizational level (Laura, 2012). The following are some of the leading problems faced by organizations in the process of building relationships with different people: Communication problems: The most important problem that exists in building a diverse organization wherein people from different backgrounds work together is the communication problem faced by employees at large (Patrick Kumar, 2012). Every individual has his or her own unique local language and official language that the individual best communicates in. In case of a diverse organization, there are various language barriers. In order to address the same, all organizations establish their official language. All the organizations must provide training to their foreign employees to learn the official language of the organization as well as the local language of the country. Cultural problems: Every individual comes from a different cultural background. Chinese organizations have an active and dynamic organizational culture where people are often screaming at each other. On the other hand, Japan has a calm culture and screaming at anyone is considered rude and arrogant. According to the rules of their religion, Muslims need to pray 5 times in a day. Therefore organization with Muslim employees need to allow them required time during the day to pray. Hindus on the other hand are restricted by religion to eat non-vegetarian food. Hence organizations with Hindu employees must avoid or restrict non-vegetarian meals in the common pantry area. Therefore in order to address this issue, training about different culture must be given (Sartorius, 2011). Cultural issues may create a certain kind of bias on the basis on religious practices, customs and language within the organization. Social Issues: There are various issues that are created by society. These social norms of employees need to be understood and respected while employing a diverse workforce (Hyde et. al., 2013). For example, Muslim women are expected to cover their heads at all times while other societies find it normal for women to wear skirts or pants. Certain societies restrict women from working at night while some women prefer to work late in the night. All these are plain stereotypes but they must be understood well in advance by organizations before hiring employees from different backgrounds. Demerits of stereotyping Stereotyping of an individual in not wrong in fact it largely helps organizations in being prepared for what they might encounter. At the same point of time, it is important to note that not every individual may entirely adhere to the stereotype associated with them. Stereotyping employees may lead to a negative work culture, judgment among employees towards each other, partial or unfair treatment and reduced productivity within the organization. Therefore it is recommended that organizational managers must adopt the positive side of stereotyping. Diverse organizations are imperative for the success and growth of a business in the current scenario. Negative aspects of applying stereotypes are also referred to as silent destroyers of the organization. Hence, managers must use their discretion and keeping the productivity of organization in mind, they must adopt to the positive aspects of stereotypes and manage workforce in the manner that lets go of the negative impacts of stereotyping. Recent developments in organizational behavior Organizational behavior theories have seen a lot of changes since their inception. Traditional theories have been edited and molded to suit the current workplace environment and changing organizational needs. Various changes in organizational practices are as below: Diverse organizations Globalization in the world has allowed people from different parts of the world to work together in a single organization. This has led to the creation of diverse workforce. Diverse organizations improve organizational performance as people coming from different competencies are amalgamated to work together (Lynn et. al., 2013). Increasing role of women Women have started playing a major role in organizational setting. Today women are not only stepping outside their comfort zones but are also excelling in their respective fields and attaining leadership roles in many organizational settings (Safa, 2018). Traditionally, most organizations were male dominant. Improving technology Advent of technology has also allowed businesses to grow and has largely organized various organizational practices and policies. Employee performance evaluation and customer relationship is now being entirely managed by technology and this has led to increased efficiency of the business. Managers are counselors Organizations have been taking various efforts in building long term relationships with their employees. Earlier employees were simply puppets in the hands of management. Today, they have a strong say and deep decision making authority. Managers organize counseling sessions in their offices and try to understand their employees better. Employee goals are well aligned with organizational goals to encourage employees to perform better. To Conclude, Stereotyping is being largely adopted by various organizations owing to an increasing number of diverse employees. There are various positives of building stereotypes. It helps organizations in being prepared to handle the employee and it largely ensures the no religious or culture sentiments are hurt. But on the other hand, it may lead to judging, biasness and a negative workplace culture. Therefore in order to ensure employee productivity, managers must learn to adopt the positive aspects of stereotyping while avoiding the negatives. References Anderson, A. (2014). Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.The Prairie Light Review,36(2), 7. Bertolino, M., M. Truxillo, D., Fraccaroli, F. (2013). Age effects on perceived personality and job performance.Journal of Managerial Psychology,28(7/8), 867-885. Griffin, R.W. and Moorhead, G., 2011.Organizational behavior. Cengage Learning. United States Hamilton, D.L. ed., 2015.Cognitive processes in stereotyping and intergroup behavior. Psychology Press. Hyde, P., Harris, C. Boaden, R., 2013. Pro-social organisational behaviour of health care workers. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(16), pp. 3115-3130. Laura, M. D., 2012. Organisational Behaviour Influence Elements in the New Economic Paradigm. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4(4), pp. 31-48. Lynne, A., Jackson, S. E. Russell, S. V., 2013. Journal of Organizational Behavior. Greening organizational behavior: An introduction to the special issue, 34(2), pp. 151-155. Patrick, H. A., Kumar, V. R. (2012). Managing workplace diversity: Issues and challenges.Sage Open,2(2), 2158244012444615. Safa, H. I. (2018).The myth of the male breadwinner: Women and industrialization in the Caribbean. Routledge. United Kingdom. Sartorius, K., Merino, A., Carmichael, T. (2011). Human resource management and cultural diversity: a case study in Mozambique.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,22(9), 1963-1985. Stein, J. H. Cropanzano, R., 2011. Death awareness and organizational behavior. Journal of organisational Behaviour, 8(1189-1193), p. 32.
Comparison of Dulce Et Decorum Est and This Is the Dark Time My Love Essay Sample free essay sample
Subject: ( The subject of the verse form is the topic with which the poet trades. It is the cardinal thought around which the event or experiences revolve. ) In this verse form. the cardinal thought is the â€Å"horrors of war†. The grim images of war. the anguish to which soldiers are subjected. reflect the subject: – â€Å"the haunting flares†. â€Å"gas shells dropping†– â€Å"froth corrupted lungs†are grounds of the atrociousnesss of war. Purpose of the poet: ( What does the poet hope to accomplish? ) The poet here wishes to convey a cosmopolitan message to the reader that one should non believe that it is baronial to decease for one’s state. because of the untold wretchednesss which soldiers experience. To the poet. neither fame nor glorification can counterbalance for the huge agony that war inflicts on humanity. Temper: The temper conveyed in the verse form is one of choler. repugnance and disgust. The impact of the incident in which the soldier is caught in an detonation and the torment he suffers is one of abhorrence and repugnance. We will write a custom essay sample on Comparison of Dulce Et Decorum Est and This Is the Dark Time My Love Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page – â€Å"I saw him drowning†– â€Å"guttering. choking. drowning†shows the huge agony of a deceasing soldier. The Main Incident: The traumatic experience of a soldier who is caught in a sudden detonation while returning to his cantonment. Imagination: The poet achieves his intent or purpose through his usage of intense linguistic communication and graphic imagination. These are the similes used by the poet to do the images interesting and meaningful. 1. â€Å"Bent double. like old mendicants under pokes. †Here the soldiers returning from the conflict field look like old mendicants. set with age and exhaustion. transporting their pokes on their dorsums. The comparing is appropriate as it entreaties to the ocular sense and brings the readers face to confront with the dog-tired soldiers. 2. â€Å"knock-kneed. coughing like hags†The image of the knock-kneed soldiers coughing like beldam. shows the awful consequence of the odor of gun pulverization. and gun shootings. It entreaties to the auditory sense and reminds the reader of the sounds of old people coughing. 3. â€Å"And staggering like a adult male in fire or lime†The image presents the soldier in a province of terror. unable to travel in any fixed way as he is trapped in the fire. The reader can see the motions of the soldier. like a unsighted adult male floundering and fumbling to happen his manner. 4. â€Å"His hanging face. like a devil’s sick of sin†The comparing vividly describes the expression of the soldier in torment and hurtingduring the concluding minutes of his decease. Language of the verse form: These are some illustrations of the poet’s usage of affectional and intense linguistic communication â€Å"We cursed through sludge†â€Å"limped on blood-shod â€Å"Drunk with fatigue†â€Å"He dips at me. guttering. choking. drowning†â€Å"White eyes wrestling in his face†â€Å"Froth-corrupted lungs†The linguistic communication used is both appropriate and effectual and evokes the understanding of the reader. THIS IS THE DARK TIME. MY LOVE The subject of this verse form is about a people whose dreams of a better life have been threatened by the destructive power of the ‘strange invader’ . The ambiance of the verse form is one of tenseness. fright. anxiousness: â€Å"Everywhere the faces of work forces are strained and dying. †This is because of the presence of soldiers: â€Å"all around the land brown beetles crawl about. †Even nature is sympathetic to the cause of the people as expressed in the line: â€Å"red flowers bend their caputs in atrocious sorrow. †The poet’s temper is one of plaint for the wretchedness of his people. the instability and grieve brought approximately by the unusual encroacher. Imagination: The images appeal to the sense of sight and sound. They present ocular images that are striking. The image of the soldiers. â€Å"all around the land brown beetles crawl about†. in their thick armory. the difficult covering on their dorsums is like beetles. Here you hear the tramping of soldiers â€Å"whose boots of steel hobos down the slender grass†. You can besides see the slender grass trampled upon and looking withered. Figurative Language: Metaphor: â€Å"All around the land brown beetles crawl about. †The soldiers are compared to brown beetles. Personification: â€Å"Red flowers bend their caputs in atrocious sorrow. †The poet gives the flower qualities of a human being – the emotion of sorrow. Sarcasm: â€Å"It is the festival of guns. the carnival of wretchedness. †The words â€Å"festival†and â€Å"carnival†are declarative of joyous jubilations but what the state is truly sing is sorrow. non joy. Understanding and Appreciating Poetry prepared by Uriel Narinesingh A ; Clifford Narinesingh
Definition of Freudian in English by Oxford Dictionaries free essay sample
Psychoanalytical theory can trace its roots back to Sigmund Freud. The Oxford definition states that it is the theory of personality organization and the dynamics of personality development that guides psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating psychopathology. The Oxford dictionary for psychoanalysis is A therapeutic method, originated by Sigmund Freud, for treating mental disorders by investigating the interaction of conscious and unconscious elements in the patients mind and bringing repressed fears and conflicts into the conscious mind, using techniques such as dream interpretation and free association.Now that I personally have a better understanding of the basis of psychoanalytical thinking I began to apply it to the first chapter of The Things They Carried by Tim OBrien. The character for me, that made it easy to apply this type of theory was First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross and his obsession with Martha.Throughout most of the first chapter, his obsession with her is very daunting and began to even impose on his job. We will write a custom essay sample on Definition of Freudian in English by Oxford Dictionaries or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page While on a mission one of his men is checking out one of the complex tunnel systems in Vietnam and while thinking of Martha one of his men is killed. (O’brien, T. 1990) tell us, â€Å"He pictured Marthas smooth young face, thinking he loved her more than anything, more than his men, and now Ted Lavender was dead because he loved her so much and could not stop thinking about her. †Freud theorizes that there are four essential conditions that must be met for love, and one of them being coined the term, overvaluing (of the women). This is a compulsion that they are the only ones it is possible to love. Passionate attachments of this type of relationship occur repeatedly with one woman replaced by another. The man is consumed by the woman, and she will absorb the whole of their mental energies, to the exclusion of all other interests.First Lieutenant Cross definitely would fall under this condition and it did cost him the life of a soldier. Is the death of Ted Lavender really because of Martha? No, but Jimmy came to that conclusion and took some drastic actions because of it.â€Å"On the morning after Ted Lavender died, First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross crouched at the bottom of his foxhole and burned Marthas letters. Then he burned the two photographs. There was a steady rain falling, which made it difficult, but he used heat tabs and Sterno to build a small fire, screening it with his body, holding the photographs over the tight blue flame with the tips of his fingers.†(O’brien, T. 1990).At the end of the first chapter, Jimmy realized that his obsession with Martha was getting in the way of his line of duties and did his best to erase her from his life. He wanted to have his complete focus on running his group of men.
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